As a physical therapist, I treat injuries. People don't come to me for PT because they are in a perfectly well balanced and healthy state, they come because they are injured, in pain, and need a change. Usually, its the best thing they could do for themselves! They turn out better, wiser, more balanced and healthy after incorporating the changes. After giving their injury the attention and effort it needed. Injuries are a gift to change you.

Now change on the other hand is HARD, especially when its voluntary. We complain day in and day out, wanting change within, or upset at changes outside of our control. Change happens, most things do not stay the same in life; change is inevitable. But we are human; resisting change from external sources, desiring change from within. It is the change from within we have power over. The change needed to heal, to improve your health and wellness; isn't that a good thing!
It just takes motivation. Injury presents the opportunity.

Motivation studies show:
People are motivated by losses more than gains.
[2016 study published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine.]
What does this mean for you? Your injury, the one that brought you to your physical therapist (or any health professional) is your "loss", it is your best motivator. It is the reason you have this opportunity, right now in your life, to change.

Be grateful. Seize the opportunity. INJURY your way to a better life.