Physical Therapy: at 755 Winslow Way E # 102, B.I.
You need help to heal, to understand your condition and enhance your sense of well-being, to be assessed as a whole person. Let your therapy be what you need instead of what your insurance demands. Experience PT in your own home using the equipment you live with day to day, or visit Heal in Motion PT, an in-home studio and treatment room on Bainbridge Island. Have an exercise program created that suits YOUR needs and lifestyle.

BASI Certified Pilates & Personal Training: at 755 Winslow Way E # 100, B.I.
BASI certified Pilates & Personal Training ​ Treat yourself to the sweet life. Feel the pleasure of getting your optimal workout, meet your personal goals and leave each session on the right track. What is Pilates? Connect your mind-body, lengthen what is short, strengthen what is weak, become better at what you love and feel your best. The Allegro (Pilates machine) is available for private Pilates sessions at Heal in Motion PT.

Manual Therapy: at 755 Winslow Way E # 102, B.I.
Soft Tissue Manipulation and Joint Mobilization, Craniosacral Therapy, and Lymphatic Drainage available. You need help to heal, to understand your condition and enhance your sense of well-being, to be assessed as a whole person. Let your therapy be what you need instead of what your insurance demands. Experience a massage at Heal in Motion PT treatment room on Bainbridge Island.

Aqua Physical Therapy: at B.I. Aquatic Center
Aqua Physical Therapy performed at the public pool or your own pool on Bainbridge Island, opens a world of healing opportunities. Hydrostatic pressure aids circulation and proprioception, water resistance and buoyancy enables varied exercises from gentle to challenging, graded weight bearing, even traction, can enhance your healing and exercise quality unlike anything on land.