Pilates for Cyclists
Pilates strengthens what is weak and lengthens what is short. It has been shown to be effective in building strong core muscles and strengthening weaker areas caused by illness or injury. The stronger you are, the more powerfully you can move in your daily life and your more active sporty life. For 12.4 % or 47.5 million (in 2017) Americans*, this includes the sport of cycling. The continuous posture held with cycling over extended periods of time can result in tight pectorals and hip flexors as well as a rounded back, tilted pelvis and shortened hamstrings. In turn, cycling builds strong quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves which can help you in your Pilates journey. Physical therapists use it, fitness instructors use it, cycling pros use it and so can you. A little knowledge can go a long way. Learn the basics with a skilled instructor so she/he can see what your posture and movement patterns are (in particular). The same exercise will vary when performed by different people, so learn what’s YOUR best form and focus. Cycling and Pilates can be used together to rebuild and strength your body.
Pilates is considered an art of mind, body and spirit. If you’re a cyclist, you know that feeling…. the art of cycling: the mind, body and spirit is also stimulated, needed, and what fuels us to hop on those 2 wheels again and again. Pilates can enable you within your sport, increasing your longevity or even healing what has been wounded by the sport itself. Consider this: Apart from the technological advances in bicycle development, the body ON the bike is your most important asset. Pilates can correct postural deviations/asymmetries, foot/ankle, spine and hip imbalances. All in turn, improving the efficiency of each pedal stroke. If your body doesn’t have to compensate anymore, less energy is used, injury can be avoided or healed and heck….you get to stay on the bike longer, not just today’s ride, but for life.
*Cycling Statistics provided by: https://www.statista.com/topics/1686/cycling/